Solaris 10 flarcreate 出現WARNING: Non-global zones detected on the system

今天在 Solaris 10使用flarcreate指令要製作映像檔時,過程中有WARNING的警告:
bash-3.2# flarcreate -n s10-backup /sysbak/fh_test_20170907.flar
Full Flash
Checking integrity...
Integrity OK.
Running precreation scripts...
Precreation scripts done.
Determining the size of the archive...
The archive will be approximately 33.08GB.
WARNING: Non-global zones detected on the system !!! Behaviour of flash archive created may be undefined.
WARNING: Non-global zones detected on the system !!! Behaviour of flash archive created may be undefined.
WARNING: Non-global zones detected on the system !!! Behaviour of flash archive created may be undefined.
Creating the archive...
Archive creation complete.
Running postcreation scripts...
Postcreation scripts done.

Running pre-exit scripts...
Pre-exit scripts done.

在Oracle Solaris的文件中有提到:

Do not use the flar create command to create a Solaris Flash archive in these instances:
In any non-global zone
In the global zone if there are any non-global zones installed

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