
rp:/> lanadmin -x 0
Current Speed = 100 Full-Duplex Auto-Negotiation-OFF

rp:/> lanadmin

                       Mon, Feb 24,2014  08:10:44

               Copyright 1994 Hewlett Packard Company.
                       All rights are reserved.

Test Selection mode.

        lan      = LAN Interface Administration
        menu     = Display this menu
        quit     = Terminate the Administration
        terse    = Do not display command menu
        verbose  = Display command menu

Enter command: lan  <--輸入lan

LAN Interface test mode. LAN Interface PPA Number = 0

        clear    = Clear statistics registers
        display  = Display LAN Interface status and statistics registers
        end      = End LAN Interface Administration, return to Test Selection
        menu     = Display this menu
        ppa      = PPA Number of the LAN Interface
        quit     = Terminate the Administration, return to shell
        reset    = Reset LAN Interface to execute its selftest
        specific = Go to Driver specific menu

Enter command: display  <--輸入display以顯示資訊

                      LAN INTERFACE STATUS DISPLAY
                       Mon, Feb 24,2014  08:11:07

PPA Number                      = 0
Description                     = lan0 HP PCI Core I/O 1000Base-T Release B.11.11.27
Type (value)                    = ethernet-csmacd(6)
MTU Size                        = 1500
Speed                           = 1000000000
Station Address                 = 0x306e4972ea
Administration Status (value)   = up(1)
Operation Status (value)        = up(1)
Last Change                     = 10773780
Inbound Octets                  = 443477792
Inbound Unicast Packets         = 741436573
Inbound Non-Unicast Packets     = 1599909
Inbound Discards                = 0
Inbound Errors                  = 80
Inbound Unknown Protocols       = 22704
Outbound Octets                 = 2062651233
Outbound Unicast Packets        = 637464967
Outbound Non-Unicast Packets    = 64084
Outbound Discards               = 0
Outbound Errors                 = 0
Outbound Queue Length           = 0
Specific                        = 655367

Press <Return> to continue

Ethernet-like Statistics Group

Index                           = 1
Alignment Errors                = 0
FCS Errors                      = 79
Single Collision Frames         = 0
Multiple Collision Frames       = 0
Deferred Transmissions          = 0
Late Collisions                 = 0
Excessive Collisions            = 0
Internal MAC Transmit Errors    = 0
Carrier Sense Errors            = 0
Frames Too Long                 = 0

Internal MAC Receive Errors     = 0